The Sophia Project is presenting our 2nd Annual Career Fair: Girl Talk Uncensored, happening February 12th, 2024, from 11 am - 2 pm. This is a free, one-day career event focused on post-secondary dreams and life after high school. Our goal is to expose young women to non-traditional career paths and living wage opportunities.

At the conference, students will experience
● Dynamic speakers that share their not-so-traditional
journey to success.
● A career fair showcasing trades and other career paths.
● Lunch will be provided.

Almost thirteen years ago, The Sophia Project (TSP) launched its groundbreaking work in the St. Louis Region. Since then, we have been dedicated to helping black and brown girls reach the milestones of
obtaining their high school diplomas, enrollment into universities all around the country, establishing post-secondary career paths, and even achieving entrepreneurship. To date, TSP has been able to serve
over 1,500 young women all over the St. Louis Region. As we settle into 2025 The Sophia Project is excited about the possibility of continuing our partnerships with the community and we hope to continue making a
difference over the next decade.

Our vision for the next decade of service work is:
● To disrupt the Missouri Dropout Rate among young women of
● To decrease suspension rates among our mentee population.
● To increase our reach to more than 10,000 girls within the St.
Louis, MO Region.